“What day is it?” “It’s today,” squeaked Piglet. “My favorite day,” said Pooh.

- A. A. Milne

Our family support group this week delved into the multifaceted challenges of supporting loved ones facing substance use disorders. We explored various topics, each interwoven with the common thread of resilience, empathy, and the importance of self-care.


Anger is a natural response to the pain and frustration of witnessing a loved one’s struggle with addiction. Unchecked anger can strain relationships and hinder the recovery process. Acknowledging and managing our anger effectively creates space for empathy and understanding, strengthening our ability to support our loved ones without succumbing to resentment or burnout. Some healthy coping strategies and outlets, such as mindfulness practices, journaling, and communication techniques, are great ways to overcome anger.

Fallout from Addiction

Addiction ripples through families, leaving a trail of emotional and practical challenges in its wake. It can cause financial strain, broken trust, and the erosion of familial bonds. There is a profound impact of addiction on every aspect of family life, and it is important to seek support to navigate these challenges. By recognizing the shared experiences of fallout from addiction, we cultivate a sense of solidarity and empathy within our group, validating each other’s struggles and offering collective wisdom and support.

Handling Relapse and Offering Support

Relapse is a common and often disheartening part of the recovery journey. Responding to relapse with compassion and understanding, rather than judgment or blame, is sometimes difficult. However, by reframing relapse as a setback rather than a failure, we create an environment of acceptance and resilience, fostering hope and motivation for continued progress on the path to recovery. It is possible to set boundaries while still offering support and encouragement.

Supporting Your Loved One Includes Celebrating the Small Wins

Supporting a loved one through treatment requires patience, compassion, and active involvement. It is often a matter of balancing our needs with those of our loved ones.

By prioritizing our own well-being while supporting our loved ones in treatment, we model healthy behaviors and cultivate a supportive environment conducive to healing and growth for all involved. It’s crucial to celebrate even the smallest victories along the journey of recovery. By acknowledging and celebrating these “wins for the wins,” we cultivate a culture of positivity, resilience, and hope through our commitment to supporting our loved ones and ourselves through the recovery journey.

Harm Reduction and Narcan/Naloxone

We briefly discussed harm reduction and Narcan (Naloxone). Below is some information on both topics.