When a loved one goes to rehab, it’s easy to throw in the towel and say, “Well, I did my part, now it’s up to them”. Certainly, this is partially true; your loved one has a long road ahead of them with a lot of work they’ll need to do to get better. However, the road to recovery is often an uphill battle, and your loved one needs your support now more than ever. Beyond that, their addiction likely has affected all family members, and you could all use some healing. It’s important to consider the health of the family system and put in the work to heal it alongside your loved one in recovery. 

It Takes a Village

At Family-Centered Services, we truly believe that treatment and recovery from SUD is not something that anyone should face alone. Having a network of social support is crucial in a successful recovery journey. If your loved one is battling substance use disorder (SUD) or is currently receiving treatment, you can be part of that support network for them. 

By committing to being part of the recovery process, you’re showing your loved one that you believe in them. In addition, your support inspires them to believe that they deserve to get better. In the long run, you can be a source of accountability and help with relapse prevention. When a family rallies around a loved one in need, it strengthens the family unit as a whole. 

What Can Family Members Do to Help?

There are a lot of things you can do to support your loved one through their recovery journey. Most importantly, keeping an open dialogue about mental health can be paramount. In addition, some of the most important steps in helping a loved one in recovery include:

Keep Shared Environments Substance-Free

Keeping shared environments free of substances and substance-use paraphernalia is especially important if you live with your loved one in recovery from SUD. Their home and the places they spend the most time in should be safe spaces where they don’t need to worry about temptation or feeling out of place. Many people recovering from SUD choose to live in sober living homes after treatment for this very reason. If your loved one chooses to stay with their family, it’s important to make sure that they feel like everyone is on their side in the fight against addiction. 

Address Your Own Relationship With Substances

When a loved one goes through treatment for SUD, it’s a good time to sit back and reflect on your own substance use. Oftentimes, unhealthy substance-use habits can go undetected, even in ourselves, due to the normalization of substance use in society. Be honest in your self-reflection and try not to get defensive. This is not to pin the blame on anyone. It’s simply a step that you can take for the betterment of the entire family unit. 

Check-In With Your Mental Health

Even if you don’t realize it, your mental health can affect how you interact with your family members and what behavior you model. This is especially true in a family affected by SUD. Addiction is hard on a family, and you may not be coping in the best way. That’s okay. The important thing is that you play your part in healing the family by attending therapy, whether individual or family sessions. Family-Centered Services offers many kinds of therapy that may help you address the trauma of addiction. 

Evaluate Your Relationships With Family Members

SUD is no one’s fault, but sometimes familial issues and the stress that they cause can trigger alcohol and drug use. To create a loving, supportive, and tension-free environment for your loved one in recovery, you should evaluate your relationships. Honestly consider whether you are contributing stress to the family dynamic. 

Drama and the occasional spat are normal in any family system. However, long-lasting grudges, secrets, or frequent fighting are symptoms of underlying interrelational issues that should be addressed in family therapy. Creating the best environment for your loved one in recovery is the most important thing, and it’s important that everyone plays their part. 

Supporting Your Family Members Through the Recovery Process

When you make the commitment to support your loved one in recovery, we make a commitment to support you. We know that your whole family is healing and changing through this process, and it can often be difficult. Our team is here to guide you, encourage you, and keep you on track toward a future of wellness. Furthermore, our family recovery program is designed for families hurting from the devastating effects of addiction and mental health disorders. Our goal is to give you and your loved one the best chance at sustained wellness. 

Family-Centered Services, based out of Washington state, offers a variety of treatment options for those suffering from SUD and their families. We encourage full family commitment to give all of our clients the best chance at recovery, and family therapy is a great way to practice that commitment. Our team is experienced in many types of therapeutic techniques and will work with your family to find the right fit. If your loved one is struggling with addiction, it is without a doubt affecting the entire family. Please don’t wait for the trauma to spread further. Find support for your family at Family-Centered Services. Take the first step by calling us at (509) 991-5822